Make a donation

100% of all donations go directly to future projects

If possible, please submit all checks or online donations before the 25th of each month to help avoid administrative fee’s.


Checks can be mailed to the National Christian Foundation (NCF), a 501 (c) (3) organization that collects funds and passes them on to my non-profit, Kairos Dance Ministries.

Please mail all checks to:

National Christian Foundation
11625 Rainwater Drive, Suite 500
Alpharetta, GA 30009

Please write "The Kairos Dance Fund" as well as the fund #3886674 on the memo line of your check so that the funds can be directed to me.

Receipts will be issued by NCF.



If you prefer to give online, you can do so at: National Christian Foundation (NCF), a 501 (c)(3) organization that collects funds and passes them on to my non-profit, Kairos Dance Ministries.

NCF will issue a receipt for each donation and email it to you.

Thank you for supporting Kairos Dance Ministries